Social Media

Do you have a brand, product, service or event that you want others to know about? Let us help!

social media seo marketing and reviews

Brand Awareness

If you’re a brand that shares the same core values and are looking to expand your inclusive space with our community, a social media campaign in partnership with Melanin Vibes is a great place to start.

Review Spotlight

Interested in generating more revenue but haven’t gained the traction that is required? We create buzz worthy experiences and showcase them through our Community Series by hosting live events, and sharing posts and reels with our incredible community.

Silver — 1 full experience reel
Gold — + voice over and review
Platinum — + re-shared through Melanin Vibes to bring awareness to our community
Diamond — + hosted live event to highlight your “it” while creating a buzz worthy experience that only Melanin Vibes delivers


Starting at $100/ea
Contact for more info

capturing the MOMENT

Need someone to capture you on stage, or working in your element as an entrepreneur, or maximize your impact as an influencer?


Statement Piece

If you’re looking to capture the most impactful statement, contact Melanin Vibes and let us maximize your shine.

Remove Distractions

Looking to expand your social influence? We help remove distractions allowing you to perform your best, while guiding and capturing your spirit in the process.


Individually quoted
Contact for more info

1:1 Coaching

Are you a leader that’s interested in creating your own organization and don’t know where to start?

Help overcoming past trauma or habits that are in your way?

Reaching for the next level on your journey?

Let me help you bring that dream to life!

Get a personalized plan and regular check-ins to help you reach your goals.


Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific journey, 1:1 coaching might be the right step for you. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.

Free initial consultation
$75/hour sessions